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Tuesday, May 7, 2013

One Year Ago

When someone you love becomes a memory, that memory becomes a treasure.
One year ago today my life changed.  One year ago, my dear big brother returned to live with our Heavenly Father.  I know for a fact that he had accomplished everything he needed to in this life.  They never found a cause of death.  Our Heavenly Father called him back, and he is now serving him on the other side.

 As I look back at this year without Josh, I wonder what it would have been like if he was still here.  What would my family be like today if we still had Josh.  This trial has shaped me into a better person.  As hard as it has been and will continue to be, I know that I am constantly learning and growing in a way I never would have before.  Heavenly Father has a plan for each one of us, and I am learning to accept his plan for me.  His way is not always the easiest, but it is worth it.  As much as I miss my Jo bro, I know he is where he is supposed to be.  He is happy and we should be too.

I am a different person than I was a year ago.  I am stronger.  I am braver.  I have more faith.  My testimony is stronger.  I am happy. (Even when I cry)  I am doing well.  I have a special angel in Heaven watching over me.  I feel Jo often in my life.  I know he is busy serving our Heavenly Father, but when I need him he is there for me.  I have realized this past year what is really important and what isn't.  I look at life through different eyes than I used to. 

I am so grateful for the family I have been blessed with.  I am so grateful for the knowledge of the Plan of Salvation.  Because of my testimony, I have made it a year.  I never once questioned where Jo was or why he was taken so soon from our family.  I know Heavenly Father has a plan for us.  He loves us and He would never give us trials we can't overcome.  This experience has made my family stronger.  It has made me stronger.

When Heavenly Father closes one door, He opens so many more.  I have learned this through this trial.  I have learned to depend on my Heavenly Father.  I have learned to turn to him at all times.  If it is important to you, it is important to Heavenly Father; no matter how small or minor it may seem.  He loves me and He cares about my every need and emotion.  With my Heavenly Father and my family, I can, we can, overcome each and every trial.

I miss Jo, but I know that I will see him again.  That is what gets me through the day.

Josh's Obituary

1 comment:

  1. Chaeli,
    This was very well put. Thank you for sharing your testimony and the feelings that you've had. I can honestly say that I, too, have witnessed a dramatic change in the family. I love the Bell's so much! I hope you all know that. You're pretty, and I most definitely don't hate you. Keep being an example, because you're watched and admired more than you know.
