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Tuesday, March 26, 2013

"You Need to Date"

The wise words of a fifth grade girl, "You need to date."

I have recently spent some time in a 4th/5th grade split class for my practicum. (For those of you who do not know what practicum is, it is kind of like student teaching, but not... make sense)  Going from a 1st grade class to this 4th/5th grade class has been a big change.  Besides the obvious age difference, 4th and 5th graders tend to be a lot more worried about my relationship status than the 1st graders ever were.  In fact, I don't think a single 1st grader ever asked me about my relationship status.  Needless to say, on my second day in  the 4th/5th grade class a 4th grader (we'll call her Sarah) asked me with a great big smile if I had a boyfriend.  When I told her I didn't, she preceded to tell me about her cousin who "needs a girlfriend."  I am now the proud owner of a piece of paper with a phone number on it.  I know nothing about the person who's phone number it is, not his name, not his age, nothing.  Well, a few weeks have passed and without fail Sarah asks me everyday if I have called her cousin, which I respond with a simple no.

Today, while eating lunch, Sarah along with two of the 5th graders in the class began to interrogate me about my dating history.  They soon learned that I do not have a boyfriend and that I never have.  I told them I have been on dates, but that I have never been serious with anyone.  This is when the 5th grader (let's call her Grace) told me "you need to date."  She then offered her 18 year old cousin whom I kindly refused. (Still in high school... Major turn off)  Sarah reminded me of her cousin, telling me all of his good attributes.  He is tall, nice, cute, funny, etc.  Sophie (the other 5th grader) told me I could date her brother when he gets home from his mission.

These girls are sweet, but I can't help but wonder why they are so concerned with my relationship status.  Maybe I should be more concerned with it?  I don't get out much because when I am home from school I am consumed with homework.  I can't really blame the men in my life, because there really aren't any.  This is mostly my fault because I don't put myself in situations where I can meet them.  I struggle opening up to new people.  I don't like to share details of my life with just anyone.  I don't let people in.  I am kind of in love with a boy who doesn't know it.  I catch myself holding back often because I just want to date him.  Well he kind of can't be dated at the moment, so I just need to get out there.  When someone says they have someone they want me to meet I need to go meet him.  The only way I can go on dates with boys is if I meet them first.

So, I guess Grace is right.  I do need to date.  But first I need to put myself in a position where I can meet new people.  And who knows maybe my next date will be with someone I haven't even met yet.

Little kids are really smart.  Listen to them.

Love always... Chaeli


  1. Oh my 5th graders. They seriously are so obsessed with people's dating lives! My dating life was pretty much all I ever discussed with the kids at summer camp. "Do you have a boyfriend?" "Are you married?" "Why not??" They are smart though, plus, I like to think of the days when I was that little and I believed so intensely in love. Now I'm kind of a cynic and I'm positive that's not helping my dating life at all. ;)

  2. I once had a 6th grade offer to "let me" marry her dad...get used to it. :) I have children that pray for me to get married. I just nod my head and smile because they are so stinkin' cute.
